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Who is Mohammad Alketbi ?

Explore My Life

My name is Mohammad Awadh Al-Ketbi, I'm 23 years old, My nationality is Emirati, but my mother is from Egypt, so that's why I consider myself dual nationalities, being dual nationalities taught me many and varied things, including being open to different customs and traditions between the two countries and made me open to learning about both sides of my life, and I can proudly say that I'm happy with both sides of my life from my mom's and my dad's side and the way they raised me knowing that I will face problems adapting to the current situation in society due to some people being racist towards different nationalities and dual nationality.
 I will share with you guys a simple overview of my life and the things that interest me which I love also I will talk a little about myself.
 First of all, I'm a student at the American University in the Emirates, and my major is the law, I chose law because it is one of the things that interest me and also because of the passion that I have for this major, Also, one of the things that are important to me in life is helping others and volunteering in the interest of good. For this reason, I did many volunteer work from 2015 to 2017 with a volunteer organization called (Takatuf). Also, donating blood is an integral part of my life. That is why I donate once or twice every year.
The last thing that I'm passionate about is (Basketball) I started learning basketball before I learned to walk, so that's why basketball played a big role in my life and in shaping my life and making me the way I am now.

My Bio: Welcome

"Blood donation campaign for this year 2020"

It was an honor to be a part of the (Blood donation campaign in Suliman Al-habib Hospital) back on September, I'm going to share with you guys some video's that I took on that day and also some pictures of my time in (takatuf) The volunteer institution that I mentioned earlier.

My Bio: Text
My Bio: Work

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.”

Mohammad Ali

My Bio: Quote
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